
Why marketing is like creating a religious cult around your brand

Marketers peddle products that solve mankind's desire for comfort, health, and long life. That is why marketers sell air conditioning system during a hot summer, antibiotics when we get ill, and vitamin supplements for removing our wrinkles. But the greatest marketers are those who market an idea that solves mankind's greatest problem: death. One such marketer is Sauron. To Ar-Pharazon the King of the Numenorians who sensed his impending death, Sauron made his marketing spiel: The Valar have possessed themselves of the land where there is no death; and they lie to you concerning it, hiding it as best they may, because of their avarice, and their fear lest the Kings of Men should wrest from them the deathless realm and rule the world in their stead. And though, doubtless, the gift of life unending is not for all, but only for such as are worthy, being men of might and pride and great lineage, yet against all Justice is it done that this gift, which is his due, should be wit

Microscheduling at 10-minute resolution using a B5 notebook

Microscheduling notebook According to the Business Dictionary , scheduling for a period of less than one day is called microscheduling. If you are scheduling a task to be done in the morning or evening, then you are microscheduling. If you you are scheduling your classes and meetings at intervals of 30 minutes or 1 hour, then you are microscheduling. But you may wish to push this further by microscheduling at 10 minute intervals, since short tasks normally last 10 minutes and a sequence of these small tasks can already finish a two-hour project. A. How to make a microscheduling table Divide the page of a 26-ring, B5-size binder notebook into half lengthwise using a red pen. Divide each page half into 6 parts with about 6 lines her hour. Draw horizontal red lines to separate the hours. The result is a 6x2 table per page, which looks like a collection of index cards. Using red ink, label 0 to 5 in the upper left hand corner of the left half, then 6 to 11 for those in the right hal

8 blogging personas based on Dungeons & Dragons characters

A blogging persona is a person you wish to project to your reader. Think of a persona as a  mask , because that is what it originally is. But a blogging persona is more malleable than a mask, because it acquires a certain personality. So you can think of a persona as character in a role-playing game like Dungeons and Dragons. By being consistent in your blogging persona, you define your blog's brand. Here are some examples: 1. Wizard  This blogger casts spells on his reader, such as the marketers's suggestion spells: "as you relax on your chair and drink your cappuccino, you wonder what it is like to live in a larger house for your growing family." He may also use magic wands, staves, socks, and shoes: "Buy our scientifically designed shoes and we guarantee that you'll run faster than before." 2. Fighter This blogger loves war with words.  He may be a street fighter who writes expletives before throwing those verbal punches and kicks.  He may als

One blog or many blogs, that is the question

I have been trying to answer these questions again and again. And my blogger friend would always laugh at me and say that she also had too many blogs before; now, she just have one blog. And she advises me to do likewise. Having many blogs has advantages. A blog with a different name gives you focus. It is as if you are donning a costume and do your specific superhero duties. And you become recognized by your blog's name. Then you don another costume and do another superhero duty. One day you are Superman--super strong, super fast, but super weak when faced with a Kryptonite. The next day you are Batman--intelligent, good-looking, martial arts expert, and billionaire. The costumes by themselves do not give Superman and Batman extraordinary powers; rather, the costumes provide a reminder of their identities as superheroes with specific functions and missions, in the same way as the habits of religious priests and nuns remind them of their chosen habits in life, i.e. how they

How to write a thesis proposal

  Newsletter: Volume 1, Issue 1/ Topic: Research Contents Title Abstract Introduction Methodology Expected Results References  Budget Gantt chart  1. Title Write your thesis title in about 13 words. Just remember Friday the 13th if you have triskaidekaphobia . Or perhaps October 13 if you are a devotee of Our Lady of Fatima . As a rule of thumb, do not go beyond two lines for your thesis title in a given thesis template.  Remember that your thesis title is the first thing that the reader sees if they pick up your thesis on the shelf or search for it in your library catalog and online search engines like Google. A good title should accurately reflect the contents of your thesis. This is truth in advertising , since your thesis title is already an ad for your buyers—your potential readers, which includes your thesis adviser and panel members. Will they buy  your idea and read the rest of your proposal or your full thesis? Many marketing campaigns can succeed or fail with just a single se